Tuesday 28 June 2011

At the end of Barcelona

When it was time to leave Barcelona, I left it feeling a little sad, as I made several good friends on this leg of the journey and spent time with them either exploring the city or having dinner. Below, I have the pictures of David, Cecelia and Lexi and there is one other person whom I haven´t uploaded the pictures of, and he was called Owen.
David is from Canada, near Quebec, in a town called Rimouski (i think) and he is a social worker too.. lol. Cecelia and Lexi are sisters and they are Australians. They are from Sunshine Coast, but currently Cece is based in Sydney and Lexi is in London. Owen is from China, Canton area, so we kinda hit it off as we could converse in both chinese and cantonese, but he is currently a student in Macau University - if I go Macau, I have someone who can bring me to nice places to eat there already.

Out of everyone, I got to hang out with David the most as we arrived just a day apart and we kinda wanted to see the same things. I can only post those photos later as I have to upload them first.

Because of the nice company I had, it was kinda sad to leave Barcelona as it would have been great to explore more of the place with them. We did agreed to keep in contact if we ever go to each other´s country (though I suspect it will be a long time before I go Canada...).

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