Wednesday 15 June 2011

Smoking M*******a

Hi, before I post anything else, I have to post about what I did last night in Amsterdam. Nothing fantastically monumental, but still something I haven't done before - I smoked last night and my first step was to jump straight into smoking m*******a. I don't have a picture of me smoking, but I do have a picture of the smoke mates - the one who bought it was Sandra (on the left) and the lady next to me, Emma was the one who taught us how to do so properly... haha!
I can't say that it was very nice, but it was interesting and after a while, I started seeing things in slow-mo. I was watching City of God for a bit afterwards and it was an interesting movie in slow-mo.. haha. Anyway, I only had half a stick (or less), so nothing too serious. I also can't understand why people like smoking too but oh well.
Anyway, to talk a little of the people above, Emma and her friend (the one next to her), Candice are from Melbourne Australia and they are on a 6 weeks trip through Europe. They are going Brussels and Paris next - my trip in reverse! Haha.
Sandra is a Taiwanese from Hualien and we talked a lot coz we can speak Chinese and it was kinda fun to do so after all the English and Dutch. She is a student in France and is on a month long travel too - she's going to Berlin, Sweden, Copenhagen and Norway after this I think. She is an amazing traveller - she sleeps at train stations and is planning to write a sign and ask for accommodation in Norway - kudos to her. Anyway, she was the one who wanted to smoke and I asked if it was alright to share and that's how I got to smoke M*******a - she's a bad influence..
Ok, I will post more on my trip than just about m*******a. Amsterdam is not only about that!

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