Monday 20 June 2011


Allo! I am currently in sunny San Sebastian and it is a beautiful place with beautiful beaches. For once, museum and church visiting is not the highlight and instead, it is the beautiful beaches that it has and the wonderful food that is available. The people here can´t speak much English but they are very warm and willing to try to understand and explain... so much better than another country which I had posted on previously. Haha.

For people who are interested in topless beaches, I think you have to make a trip here, from my estimation, I think half of the people at the beaches just parade their assets and I think it is quite the norm here. I hestitate to take pictures of the beaches because I don´t know if people will feel offended, so I don´t have much pictures of it...yet. Also, the sun is hot but there´s a cool sea breeze, so I think it is still alright. I can´t wait to go swimming tomorrow, I think the sand and water is gorgeous. John and LL, I think it was hotter in Madrid.

Before coming here, I have also visited Madrid. The highlight of that trip was probably visiting Santiago Bernabau (mebbe I spell wrongly.. can´t be bothered to check). It was supposedly the most decorated team in Europe and also the most prestigious of ALL Spanish clubs - Real Madrid. They started off as Madrid and the Real actually means Royal, so they are actually quite atas. I will agree till I reach Barcelona anyway. Haha. It was an interesting eye opener and it was a damn big stadium, so hopefully there is a time when I can come back to watch a match. Most interestingly, it was a stadium very near the city centre, so it was very accessible and I guess people living near the stadium can get lotsa excitment when there are matches.

As I have the use of the computer here and I have more time (finally, a place I am spending 3 nights in a row!), I will try to blog more often and add more pictures. For now, I am beat and want to wash up, so that´s all for now. Only 10 days left.. *sigh*

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